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Module 7 |
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Lesson 2. The Importance of Acquiring
Images of the Appropriate
Scale and Spatial Resolution
for your Objectives
Aim of Lesson
To demonstrate the effects of image spatial resolution
(ranging from 1 m to 80 m) on the ability of images to discriminate between
different coastal habitats.
2. To investigate the effect of image pixel size on habitat identification.
3. To use transects across images to determine the spatial
frequency of key habitats.
A wide variety of remotely-sensed imagery are available for coastal habitat mapping and therefore one of the most important questions to consider when planning a remote sensing project is, "Which imagery will allow me to map the habitats of interest?". The answer to the question depends largely on the size of the habitat of interest. Remote sensing instruments divide the Earth's surface into a grid of sampling units called "pixels" whose spatial dimensions depend on the altitude and design of the sensor. The pixel size roughly equates to the spatial resolution of the sensor. For example, each pixel in a SPOT multispectral image (XS) measures 20 m by 20 m and thus the smallest linear dimension on the Earth's surface which can be resolved is roughly 20 m. In order to map the boundaries of a given habitat, the spatial resolution of the imagery should be smaller than the minimum size of the habitat. This means that SPOT XS imagery is incapable of detecting habitats whose dimensions are less than 20 m by 20 m.
The spatial resolutions of a range of widely-used remote sensing sensors are listed in Table 2.1. Although spatial resolution is a key consideration when selecting a remote sensing method (and we dwell upon it in this lesson), other considerations must also be taken into account. In terms of sensor specifications, the most important of these are the number of useful spectral bands and the area covered by the image. In short, the greater the number of spectral bands, the greater the likelihood that habitats will be identified correctly during image processing. For example, two different habitats might have the same overall colour when viewed in a single band of blue light, but their appearances might differ markedly if viewed in blue, green and red bands simultaneously.
An important aspect of spatial scale is texture. In a remote sensing context, texture describes the structure or pattern of a feature in the imagery. Texture can be fairly simple and uniform or complex and patchy. Many habitats have a characteristic texture (patchiness) which, if considered, can greatly improve the chances of correctly identifying habitats in image data. To measure the texture of habitats using remote sensing, the spatial resolution of the imagery must be similar in size to the smallest patch that makes up a particular pattern or texture. For example, imagine a sparse seagrass bed comprising small patches with an average width of 5 m. Although the entire bed of sparse seagrass may have a width of, say, 100 m, the imagery would need a spatial resolution of 5 m, or less, to detect its texture. Statistical measures of texture are available which measure the local variability in pixel reflectance, but you will make a qualitative assessment of texture in this lesson.
Table 2.1. Principal specifications of satellite, airborne and photographic media
Spatial resolution (m) |
No. of spectral bands for habitat mapping |
user defined |
analogue |
Area covered (km) |
¹ One band for monochrome aerial photography, three bands if colour aerial photography is scanned in the red, green and blue.
This lesson will focus on the importance of matching the spatial scale of coastal habitats to the spatial scale of imagery. To begin with, you will measure the spatial frequency (average patch size) of some key habitats. These measurements will be based on airborne imagery which usually has the highest spatial resolution. With these measures of spatial frequency in mind, you will then predict whether various types of remotely-sensed data are capable of detecting these habitats. You will then see for yourself by comparing images whose spatial resolution varies between 2 m and 30 m.
It is worth noting in passing that the term "descriptive resolution" has been coined to describe the detail to which a sensor will map a given area. For mapping benthic habitats, a coarse descriptive resolution would only separate habitats into broad classes, e.g. coral, algae, sand, and seagrass. A finer descriptive resolution would also distinguish reef zones, variations in seagrass standing crop and so on.
Background Information
The capability of different sensors for mapping coral reef, seagrass and mangrove habitats are discussed in detail in Chapters 11-13 of the Remote Sensing Handbook for Tropical Coastal Management and papers by Mumby et al. and Green et al. (see References section).
The Bilko for Windows image processing software
Familiarity with Bilko for Windows 2.0 and Lesson 1 of this module are required to carry out this lesson. Readers who are not familiar with the Turks and Caicos or the appearance of coral reef, seagrass and mangrove habitats should undertake Lesson 1 before continuing further.
Image data
All images used in this module were acquired for around the island of South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (see Figure 1.1, Lesson 1 for a map). Images are supplied at a range of spatial resolutions (Table 2.2), the most detailed of which is CASI. Note: When geometric correction and other processing is carried out the pixel size may be changed from the original size (a process called resampling). Spatial resolution and actual pixel sizes are shown in Table 2.2.
You are supplied with three spectral bands of subscenes of multispectral satellite images at three different spatial resolutions (Landsat MSS: Appendix 2.1; Landsat TM: Appendix 1.1; SPOT XS: Appendix 1.2). These can be viewed individually or connected to make false colour composites. You are also supplied with a subscene of a SPOT panchromatic (single-band recorded across the visible spectrum) image (Appendix 1.2) at 10 m resolution and some subscenes from monochrome aerial photographs scanned so that each pixel is 2 x 2 m on the ground. To save time, the airborne multispectral CASI data (Appendix 1.3) have been stored as contrast-stretched composite images (i.e. the individual bands are not provided).
Table 2.2. Images used in this lesson and their
principal specifications. Monochrome aerial photographs © Ordenance
¹ The actual pixel size in the images
is included in brackets.
casimang.gif, casiharb.gif |
Monochrome aerial photography |
ap_east1.gif, ap_scaic.gif, ap_mang.gif |
SPOT Panchromatic (Pan) |
xpsubset.gif |
xs1sub.gif, xs2sub.gif, xs3sub.gif |
Landsat TM |
tm1_sc.gif, tm2_sc.gif, tm3_sc.gif |
Landsat MSS |
mss1.gif, mss2.gif, mss3.gif |
The CASI was mounted on a locally-owned Cessna 172N aircraft using a specially designed door with mounting brackets and streamlined cowling. An incident light sensor (ILS) was fixed to the fuselage so that simultaneous measurements of irradiance could be made. A Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) was mounted to provide a record of the aircraft's flight path. Data were collected at a spatial resolution of 1 m2 in 8 wavebands (Table 2.3) during flights over the Cockburn Harbour area of South Caicos. Further details are given in Clark et al. (1997). The files CASIHARB.GIF and CASIMANG.GIF are false colour composites of bands 1, 3, and 5.
1 | Blue |
2 | Blue |
3 | Green |
4 | Green |
5 | Red |
6 | Red |
7 | Near Infrared |
8 | Near Infrared |
Lesson Outline
The activities in this lesson are divided into four parts:
2. Measurement of the spatial frequency of mangrove habitats followed by an examination of imagery to see whether the habitats are visible.
3. Measurement of the spatial frequency of some seagrass and coral features. You will then use this knowledge to predict the spatial scales at which these features can be detected using remote sensing. Your predictions will be tested by viewing imagery of various spatial resolution.
4. The use of texture when interpreting remotely-sensed
imagery. You will be provided with imagery at two spatial scales and asked
to compare your ability to identify habitats in each.
For this part of the lesson you will use imagery at three spatial resolutions: aerial photography (2 m), SPOT Pan (10 m), and Landsat MSS (80 m). The aim is to estimate the width of the runway at South Caicos airport using each image type and in so doing, gain a practical feel for various spatial resolutions. Measurements will be made by recording the number of pixels that cross the runway and then multiplying this number by the width (in metres) of each pixel.
Question: 2.1. What is the width of the area covered by the aerial photograph on the ground in km? Answers
Using Edit, GoTo,
place the cursor at coordinates (519, 64) which mark the northern side
of the runway. Place the mouse cursor at the cross-hairs and double-click
4 times to zoom in (if you zoom in too far, you can zoom out using <Ctrl>+double-click).
The runway should be clearly visible and comprises three zones - two white
areas of pavement surrounding a dark area of tarmac. For this exercise,
the runway includes both areas of pavement. Click on the transect
tool . Place the mouse at
the northern side of the runway (519, 64) and, keeping the button depressed,
drag it down vertically to the far side of the runway and release. Cursor
coordinates should now read approximately (519, 105). (Note: the
runway does not run exactly from west to east and therefore to ease the
calculation of distance, we are making an approximation of width using
the vertical distance from one side of the runway to the other). Click
on Edit, GoTo
to display the Go To dialog box. This should
have Line selection highlighted under
Type:. Under Selection Size, the valueDX:
should be close to zero because you have selected a vertical line. The
value DY: represents the number of pixels across
the runway. Enter this value (or if unsure precisely where the runway begins
and ends, a range of values) into Table 2.4 and calculate the width of
the runway.
Aerial photography |
SPOT Pan |
Landsat MSS |
Question: 2.2. What is the width of the area covered by the SPOT Pan subscene on the ground in km? Answers
Use Edit, GoTo to place the cursor at column and row coordinates (234, 544) and zoom in 8 times. The runway should be clearly visible although the boundaries are not quite as clear as those in the aerial photograph. Using the methods set out above, measure the vertical width of the runway at coordinates (234, 544) and at one pixel to the east and west. Enter your value (or range of values) in Table 2.4. [Note: If you select View, Coords then DY: gives you the distance in metres along the transect (as a negative value, because UTM coordinates increase from south to north and your transect is running north to south). If you have a range of values for runway width take the average width as your best estimate.
Question: 2.3. Is there any difference between the average width estimated using aerial photography and SPOT Pan? Does this difference approximate the spatial resolution of SPOT Pan (i.e. 10 m)?
Close XPSUBSET.GIF and open MSS2.GIF which is band 2 (green) of the Landsat MSS image. Use <Ctrl>+A or <Shift>+<Spacebar> to select all pixels in the image and apply a contrast stretch using Stretch, Auto Linear.
Question: 2.4. What is the width of the area covered by the MSS subscene on the ground in km?
Use Edit, GoTo to move the cursor to coordinates (389, 82). Examine the image at its current magnification.
Question: 2.5. Is the runway visible?
Position the mouse pointer at the cursor and double-click to zoom in 7 times. The runway will probably become progressively more difficult to identify as you zoom in. Our eyesight is good at picking out the general linear shape of the runway at low magnifications but less so at higher magnifications where less of the feature is visible. At a starting point of (389, 82), enter the number of pixels which seem to comprise the width of the runway (Table 2.4).
Question: 2.6. Would you have much confidence in your estimate of runway width from the MSS image? Which of the three remote sensing methods tested, would you recommend for mapping roads of South Caicos (you may list more than one)?
Close the MSS2.GIF image.
You are provided with a false colour CASI image of Cockburn Harbour and the mangroves on the west coast of South Caicos (CASIMANG.GIF). Although a variety of habitats exist here (see Lesson 1), we will focus on two levels of descriptive resolution. The first is the entire fringe of mangrove forest, which encompasses a variety of sub-habitats, and is simply termed "mangrove". The second is a sub-class of mangrove dominated by the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle. An isolated circular patch of mangrove trees just off the coast of South Caicos is a good example of this habitat.
Using the coordinates in Table 2.5, repeat the measurement process for the larger habitat of fringing "mangrove"(estimate the horizontal distance from the waters edge to the left-hand (non-red) edge of the mangrove). For example, if you place the cursor at (173, 47) and measure the horizontal extent of mangrove, you should have a value of approximately 71 pixels (= 71 m).
Question: 2.8. What is the average width of fringing mangrove for the three transects listed in Table 2.5.?
Habitat |
Coordinates (X, Y) |
Habitat width/diameter (pixels) |
Habitat diameter/width (m) | |||||
Average habitat diameter/width (m) |
To make a rough estimate of the area of this mangrove fringe on the northern part of the image (north of the gap in the mangrove fringe) one can measure its length by using the mouse pointer to lay a transect parallel to the coast in the middle of the mangrove. Such a transect might begin around (166, 4) and end around (362, 268).
Question: 2.9. a) What is the length of the transect in pixels crossed, b) what is its length in metres, and c) what is the approximate area in hectares of the fringing mangrove in the northern part of the image? [Hint: Treat the area as a rectangle]. Answers
Use the Image, Composite function to make a colour composite. Make sure the Apply stretches to charts, clipboard etc. checkbox is checked in the Stretch, Options dialog box, then use the Edit, Select All command (or <Shift>+<Spacebar>) to select all pixels in the image, and improve the contrast within the image, by applying an automatic linear stretch (click on the Stretch menu and apply the stretch, Auto Linear). [The land should be bright red and the sea turquoise and blue if the images have been combined properly]. Use the File, New command to make a copy of the stretched composite and save this as XSFCC.BMP as you will need it in Part 4 of this lesson. Then close all the other SPOT images individually (using File, Close). Do not save any changes to these other image files.
Use the Edit, GoTo command to move to coordinates (211, 513) on the colour composite then zoom in several times by double-clicking. The mangrove area is visible as a red fringe but with much less detail than in the CASI image viewed earlier. The patch of Rhizophora is just visible at (211, 513) but its circular shape is not preserved because it is now represented by one SPOT pixel. (Remember: the same patch was represented by approximately 700 pixels in CASI imagery!).
Question: 2.10. Why isn't the offshore mangrove patch visible as distinct from the coastal mangrove? Answers
Inspect the mangrove fringe and note that detail of the larger, fringing mangrove habitat (bright red pixels) is also much reduced as it is now has an average width of 3-6 SPOT pixels (i.e. 60-120 m). Note that it is much harder to determine exactly where the mangrove begins and ends.
Close the SPOT false colour composite image (XSFCC.BMP) which you saved earlier. Then create a new false colour composite from bands 1, 2 and 3 of Landsat MSS. [Hint: Follow exactly the same procedure as set out for SPOT XS above but use files MSS1.GIF, MSS2.GIF, and MSS3.GIF]. The infra-red band is again displayed through the red-gun so that vegetation (which has a high reflectance in the near-IR) appears bright red. Use Edit, GoTo to place the cursor at coordinates (385, 115) and then zoom in as required. Note that at this spatial scale (66 m pixels, 80 m spatial resolution), the patch of Rhizophora cannot be distinguished but the fringing mangrove habitat is just visible as a strip of 1 or 2 pixel-widths.
When you have finished, close all images.
Part 3. Spatial frequency of seagrass and coral features
In this part you will work with a pre-stretched colour composite CASI image (1 m spatial resolution) of Cockburn Harbour (CASIHARB.GIF) showing seagrass and reef habitats. These habitats were described in some detail in Lesson 1 and photographs may be opened in the Bilko for Windows viewer for further familiarisation (files blowout.gif, seag_den.gif, mont_col.gif). The first exercise is to measure the width of three important features which have their own spatial frequencies; seagrass blowouts (blowout.gif), dense seagrass beds (seag_den.gif) and colonies of the hard coral, Montastraea annularis (mont_col.gif).
The seagrass blowouts lie within a large bed of dense seagrass. Use the procedures set out above to estimate the width of this seagrass bed at three points. The upper coordinates of the bed are given in Table 2.6 and you should measure the width in the vertical plane (i.e. drag the transect towards the bottom of the image). Enter your results in the table.
Use the Edit, GoTo command to place the cursor on a colony of Montastraea (341, 244) which contrasts strongly with the pale green of sand and seagrass. Measure the horizontal width of the dark colonies at the coordinates listed in Table 2.6 and enter your results in the table.
Feature |
Coordinates |
Width (pixels) | |||||||||
Average width (pixels) | |||||||||
Average width (m) |
Sensor | Coordinates of study area (c,r) | Spatial res.(m) |
Aerial photography |
SPOT Pan |
Landsat TM |
To check your predictions entered in Table 2.7, you are provided with monochrome aerial photography (AP_SCAIC.GIF), SPOT Pan imagery (XPSUBSET.GIF), and Landsat TM imagery (TM1_SC.GIF, TM2_SC.GIF, TM3_SC.GIF).
For each image in turn, place the cursor at the position suggested in Table 2.7 and double-click until you are satisfied with the zoom. Visually interpret each image to check for the presence of blowouts, seagrass beds and Montastraea heads. Were your predictions correct? Fill in the test boxes in Table 2.7.
Minimize the false colour composite of SPOT XS and then open the image AP_EAST1.GIF which is a monochrome aerial photograph with a spatial resolution of 2 m. Select All pixels and apply an Auto Linear stretch. Place the cursor near coordinates 400, 497 and zoom in to view the sand area examined earlier in the SPOT scene. The high spatial resolution of the aerial photograph reveals considerable textural detail to help with habitat identification.
Question: 2.12. What are the principal textural differences between the seagrass beds and coral reef patches? Answers
Examine this image in detail and visit the coordinates provided in Table 2.8 to see whether your identification of habitats differs in light of the greater textural information now available. (Note: each position on the image is equivalent to that provided for SPOT). You can use the Window menu to alternate between the SPOT XS image and aerial photograph.
Use "S" for seagrass and "C" for coral.
patch 1 |
patch 2 |
patch 3 |
patch 4 |
patch 5 |
Question: 2.13. What is the average width of the nine coral reef patches? Which image(s), among all those you have looked at, is/are likely to be ineffectual at resolving these patches? Answers
Close the two images.
The lesson as a whole should have indicated that while
satellite imagery at resolutions of 20-80 m is able to map habitats to
a coarse descriptive resolution, for finer discrimination and mapping of
patchy habitats airborne imagery with a spatial resolution of <5m is
likely to be needed. The key thing is to make sure that your imagery can
achieve your mapping objectives.
Clark, C.D., Ripley, H.T., Green, E.P., Edwards, A.J., and Mumby, P.J. (1997). Mapping and measurement of tropical coastal environments with hyperspectral and high spatial resolution data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 18: 237-242.
Green, E.P., Mumby, P.J., Edwards, A.J., Clark, C.D., and Ellis, A. C. (1998). The assessment of mangrove areas using high resolution multispectral airborne imagery. Journal of Coastal Research 14 (2): 433-443.
Green, E.P., Mumby, P.J., Clark, C.D., Edwards, A.J., and Ellis, A.C. (1997). A comparison between satellite and airborne multispectral data for the assessment of mangrove areas in the eastern Caribbean. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Florida, 17-19th March 1997, 1: 168-176.
Mumby, P.J., Green, E.P., Clark, C.D., and Edwards, A.J. (1998). Digital analysis of multispectral airborne imagery of coral reefs. Coral Reefs 17 (1): 59-69.
Mumby, P.J., Green, E.P., Edwards, A.J., and Clark, C.D.
(1997). Coral reef habitat mapping: how much detail can remote sensing
provide? Marine Biology 130: 193-202.
Part 1.
Aerial photography |
SPOT Pan |
Landsat MSS |
Part 2.
Habitat |
Coordinates (X:, Y:) |
Habitat width/diameter (pixels) |
Habitat diameter/width (m) |
Average habitat diameter/width (m) |
Part 3.
Feature |
Coordinates |
Width (pixels) |
Average width (pixels) |
Average width (m) |
Table 2.7. Predicting the descriptive resolution of aerial photography, SPOT Pan and Landsat TM for key marine features. A tick indicates that the features are visible.
Sensor | Coordinates of study area (c,r) | Spatial res. (m) |
Aerial photography |
SPOT Pan |
Landsat TM |
¹ The largest blowouts can be seen but smaller ones do not appear visible. Blowout size is right on the borderline of the spatial resolution of SPOT Pan.
Part 4.
patch 1 |
patch 2 |
patch 3 |
patch 4 |
patch 5 |
Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS)
The Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) was operational from 1972, following the launch of Landsat-1, until 1993. The spatial resolution for the sensor is 79 m. The radiometric resolution is 6 bits (64 grey levels). The swath width for the sensor is 185 km. Multi-Spectral Scanner data ceased to be collected in 1993.
The spectral characteristics of the Landsat MSS bands are as follows:
Images are produced by reflecting the radiance from 79 m wide scan lines on the Earth's surface to detectors on board the satellite using an oscillating mirror. Each scan line is 185 km long (thus the swath width or width of ground covered by the sensor in one overpass is 185 km). The Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) of the sensor is a 79 x 79 m square on the Earth's surface. This area can be regarded as the spatial resolution of the sensor, that is the smallest area which can be sampled by the sensor. Each picture element or pixel in a MSS digital image is thus a measurement of the brightness of the radiance from a 79 x 79 m square on the Earth's surface.
Because the satellite is moving so fast over the Earth's surface, it has to scan 6 lines at a time (thus covering 474 m along track). Since the MSS sensor measures the radiance in four different wavebands at the same time, it thus has 24 detectors in total. Each detector converts the recorded irradiance into a continuous electrical signal which is then sampled at fixed time intervals (approximately every 10 ´s) and converted to a 6 bit number (64 grey levels). During this interval the ground distance covered by the oscillating mirror is only 56 m. Thus the picture elements or pixels making up an MSS image are 56 x 79 m rectangles.
The 6 bit numbers representing reflectances recorded from each point (79 x 79 m on the Earth's surface) are either recorded on magnetic tape on board the satellite (in earlier Landsats) or transmitted to an Earth receiving station where they are recorded on high-density digital tapes (HDDTs).
A full Landsat MSS scene consists of measurements of the radiance from a ground area of 185 x 185 km and thus consists of 2340 scan lines each consisting of 3240 pixels. There are thus about 7.5 million pixels per scene, each of which has radiances recorded in four wavebands, giving a total of 30 million bytes of information. It takes about 25 seconds to record one scene. The digital information for a scene is supplied on Computer Compatible Tapes (CCTs) or on Exabyte tapes to users who then need to process it on computers according to their needs.
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