Caribbean Regional Node

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The binary netCDF format is designed for import into a wide variety of display and analysis packages. Users of the format should be familiar with using netCDF on their system and netCDF concepts -- ie: datasets, variables, attributes, etc. The conversion routine creates a netCDF dataset containing 16-bit signed integer values for the image data, 8-bit graphics overlay data, and CoastWatch file header values as attributes of the image data variable. The dataset has the following structure (this example is for an AVHRR channel 4 image): The scale_factor and add_offset attributes are important in recovering the floating point data values using the following equation:
float data = (integer data x scale_factor) + add_offset
The missing_value attribute indicates the integer value used for missing data.

To access the data directly (many packages have support built in), the netCDF routines are freely available from the NetCDF Home Page.

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